Friday, July 7, 2017

The Bullies

Google Images, 2017
First we had the woes attributed to the us as having a spineless government.  Now  consequently the rush to put an end to that introduced the opposite.
     Have you also begun to lose interest in Politics?  Lately, when the President of the United States comes on with his over the top comments about the personal attacks he feels he has to deal with from the media or even wayward comments that  Congressmen have made you head for the remote and the off button?  I myself have grown weary of it all.  How must our president feel? Do we care?  I'd like it all to just end, the tweets, the coverage of the tweets the inward examination of how the son-in- law shaves and if his beautiful wife went under the knife, or the First Ladies wardrobe and makeup.  I myself am a tolerant and forgiving type of person  but  it seems to be something someone might see at the grocery check-out  printed on the front page of the "STAR, or the Enquirer"next to Brad and Angelina's latest exploits or George Clooneys' desire to have or not have children with his lawyer wife.? I just think ,Thank God he finally got married, putting and end to his dating of sweet, half his age women. Right?  And at that very grocery check out I have queried many about the topic of our President and his behaviors.  Doesn't it feel like a fantasy land?  it lacks legitimacy to me. It doesn't feel real.
A friend of mine recently said to me, you have to consider the fact that he is a New Yorker."I say why? Why should a New Yorker behave differently? Because they are used to fighting for the very space they occupy?  Because they are often rude and way too opinionated thinking that their tiny city is all there is?  OK, I think one would have to say that many of the great and driven come from New York but isn't it merely because the biggest Ant has to climb to the top of the Ant Hill?
 No offense New Yorkers, but I have an axe to grind.  I lived in Florida and it was those from New York that  were the ones that were the worst behaved.  Yak , yak, yak the loudest about the dumbest self centered flotsam.  Sending back their food and wanting everyone to know it, honking their horns, screaming out windows, chewing with their mouths open and talking with them full.  At the beach; speedo's on men way over 30, sporting their little gold chains.  Emblazoned in my mind.. Women who are terribly over-tanned, out there all day without cover in 95+ blazing heat.  The beach empty except for them and their spray bottles.
One day I was waiting to turn into a condo estate, There were lines of oncoming traffic and I began to hear a blast of a horn which made me look up. I saw in the rear-view my neighbor, a New Yorker laying on the horn behind me.  I thought lady! there is oncoming traffic, I cant go!  and suppressed the inclination to flip her the middle finger.  She blasted past me after the gate in her caddy.  I slowly pulled into my slot to observe her rushing to get out of the car, cell phone crushed to her face, her hair obviously a wig, kind of crooked on her head, doors flying open and packages falling out. It was then I realized they deserve our pity not our disdain.

Now we have them in the White House.  I overheard a conversation that was recorded in President Trumps Land Rover as he tooled around his  golf course in Scotland. He was defaming a Scottish farmer he had purchase land  adjacent to for the golf course.   The conversation was extremely debasing and cruel. The President was obviously ignorant to the reasoning's why the farmers land was so messy! Could it be:  the landscape had changed due to the development of the golf course and everything altered!

A better man would have gone in and made changes by offering to clean up the mess he created by pushing all the soil up in heaps during construction and cleaning up the tree debris.   But no, that Scottish farmer which was obviously in shock to see his beautiful farm and surrounding areas laid bare was a scumbag, according to Donald Trump, (minus the Mr. President then), He also made comments about the wind generators out in the ocean which he felt were blocking his golf courses view.    My God man, Its a country!!! They are making Power!!!  However, that main point was obviously overlooked by our now Air Force #1 passenger and naturalized New Yorker.
A smarter man would have not created a war and caused the people of Scotland to snub him as famous personalities come to play golf in Scotland, wow!  Think of that, our worst behaved and most selfish out and about in a nation that fosters personalities like "William Wallace"!  Tongue in cheek.... Somebodies gonna get punched.  that makes for a story on the tube I wouldn't turn off.

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