Saturday, July 8, 2017


Google Images, 2017

So here's the thing, despite all the political conversations(which are merely insights I have had ), I find peace and contentment in gardening.  However, this is not an ordinary garden. and this is not really my actual garden. I have a Coastal Garden.
After years of failure I decided that I was doing something wrong.  I had tried everything.  Community gardening, detailed literature about varieties and the best heirloom seeds, and composting. I did climate studies, bought plants, germinated seeds, fertilized and fertilized.

Then I moved to Florida and began to really garden.  Good lord everything I put in the ground grew. After less than 6 months I had an avocado forest! I designed and grew from seed planter pots full of dollar store flower seeds! The plants I brought with me took off becoming something other than a house plant.  I nurtured Mimosa babies I found all over the lawn and they also grew  into huge trees! My neighbors who spent most of their days in the air conditioning smoking pot gave me seeds, which I sprouted and gave back, as nice little seedlings to do with what they pleased.( as Marijuana is still illegal in the sunshine state. )

Oh the joy I felt every time I looked out the back door at my Bismark,Christmas ,and Pineapple Palm trees, Avocados and my Mimosa . Mango and Papaya trees, I even grew Cacti, cutting off an arm of a friends and just putting it into the soil!
 The air was filled with the smell of a Plumeria I brought back from dehydration and  my "white "Bird of Paradise grew 5 feet in one year!It wasn't just I that was amazed with  my green thumb skills as the neighbors began to stop and admire my yard.   My cup runneth over  as I made rhubarb, strawberry jam,  fresh salads and drank my coffee looking at my greenhouse spilling over onto the patio  floor.

However, I will admit some things did not grow and despite my efforts it was just too hot for some of my endeavors. The watermelon could not take the hot midday sun that towered overhead for at least 4 hours.Reaching temps in the 90s.   I had to admit my failure , drag them into the shade more than once as they just would not thrive.
I planted Boxwood's along the property line, Gardenias on the North and had a Tomato trellis on the South side of the house.  I surprised myself at my success and soaked in all the praises.

On one occasion the park manager snuck up on me,(it was a over 50 gated community) and she accused me of sending the parks water bill soaring due to my watering. I showed her my timed soaker hoses and she told me,"I'll be watching you."💪  Later I  learned the pot smokers  had turned me in for what they called excessive watering. I had to write that off as my druggie neighbors tripping.  Later I  reminded them that Marijuana was still illegal in Florida.

Then I relocated due to a transfer to the Pacific Coast again, where the nights are cold and the days are often foggy and gray. Rain in the winter until it seems that we would have to really use our boat to  get outta  here. I thank God for being a Mental Health professional to  cope with my on again, off again mood swings in the dark winters.  I stay grounded throughout and  look forward to the sunny days of summer.
Then it dawned on me when I saw the local college flyer of courses offerings, "Coastal Gardening." that I had so much failure because I'd  been doing it all wrong."
I took the course and basically didn't learn anything new as she covered planting techniques and square foot gardening  answering the novices questions.However, , I did get a list of plants and seeds that would thrive in this micro-climate.

"THE LIST" is worth the price of the class and I have used it and given it away to others who garden in this climate.  So far so good as in the above pictured garden, except the tomatoes are still small.
THE SECRET #1 keep the pests out, #2 plant climate appropriate seeds, Nothing that wont grow to maturity in 90 days, #3 Start in the house things that need more time.  #4 Positioning for maximum sunshine, #5 don't forget hardening off ,dead heading , and fertilizing and last but not least realize that the natural plants for the area are going  to thrive if you let them, nurture what won't kill everything  and thrives.
Yesterday I was out with my new hoe I received for my birthday.  my mother came to the window and sang to me," "Paisley, Paisley , quite contrary how does you garden grow?" I answered her with Oyster shells and slug bait , and all  the plants in a square footed row" we laughed,  the fountain gurgled, I cut some wild flowers for a vase, filled the bird feeders and sat down with my coffee as the smell of lilacs filled the air.

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