Friday, June 30, 2017


Part 2

I don't want to be a mouthy brat and say,"not my president!" But I will ask why is it that someone has to lose?  Why is it that in this administration does it seem that it is some kind of war? War with the press, war with anyone that has anything negative to say.   Some kind of Vendetta that came apparent right away after Barack Obama "supposedly"humiliated" Donald Trump at some dinner.  

Lets put the shoe the other foot for a minute.  Was it not for years Mr. Trump (his title at the time) had it out for Then President Obama? His birth place, his right to be an American due to his less than candid declaration of his time spent overseas when his mother was married to husband 2? At that time we all began to see the makings of a dilemma.  The conspiracy theorists began cutting apart pictures of Barack and his family claiming he was a plant. The bloodlines thing and so on. Our Now President elect fueling the flames.  If you want to be a purest wouldn't you say Mr. Trump had it coming?  Disrespecting the Incumbent president?  And this is what I wanted to address in part.  The lack of respect in our public offices.  The screaming and fighting of our wayward young people in the streets over the politics and then when questioned their opinions so off the wall and ignorant you as a thinking individual are in shock and awe, questioning the educational system . How did they get so stupid?  Yet once again we have to Segway to age,  Any of us could have been featured by high times magazine for on campus pot smoking and a lack of direction. Yet, I don't know anyone still smoking and partying,  my peers are for the most responsible tax payers, working and raising families.   However, I never personally tried to shout down a professor, stand in the commons and spew hateful words and get beat up by the police.    

it has to be some kind of vendetta.  I have lost confidence as I see  the fighting, yes we saw that Barack Obama belittled Donald Trump and did not apologize, but did he not have it coming?  he dragged Barack Obamas' personal life through the mud.  Publicly as if to stain him out of spite.   Isn't that what is really going on now?  Two warriors , still stabbing each other at the expense of the American people?  

Sure, Donald Trump can kill Obama care.  But why?  Just tweet it, fix what is wrong with it.  
Everyone knows how they got the numbers to feed to the fish, kill the advertising so no one knows they can still sign up.  Emphasize the penalty which was just to motivate the feet draggers. No one I know who did not sign up got fined really.  Incite to riot that the federal government is dictating to them.  Come on... are Americans not smarter than that?

I am not defending the former Obama administration that hid unemployment figures by not counting the millions that had been unemployed so long they fell off the radar.  This not counted as unemployed any more.  Only those still receiving benefits were counted.  

Or the lack of common sense that Mr. Obama had when it came to foreign relations , making the G8 into a buddy club, pissing off Vladimir Putin to the extent that he left the meetings early. 
No one missed the fact that our greatest friend and ally Great Britains' Queen Elizabeth did not like him, as he missed the subtle clues necessary to observe pomp and circumstance that so dictates that culture. Or possibly everyone did miss the "get behind me David Cameron," attitude as their handsome, popular Prime Minster played second fiddle to his " Royal coolness." Costing him dignity in his own Parliament.  

 Part # 3, The Bullies.  Part # 4 Humanitarian Power Please... #5 Below the office of the President, The Enigmas. 

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