Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Google Images, June 2017.

     Having voted For a Democrat
for the first time in my life I rode the wave of Victory in an amazing, magical time.  I was there the day that Barack Obama put his hand on the Bible and swore to uphold the laws of our land as our President. I watched as the cameras panned  to the sea of people that clotted  the avenues as far as ones eye could see.  The first Black President! 

Then it began, the fighting that would leave our nation bewildered and angry enough to bring in someone that is insensitive to the needs of this country in his fulfillment of his promise to,"Make America Great Again."however, in my thinking I am beginning to wonder whose America is he speaking about?
 I am not some kid in my 20s' running out carrying a flag and screaming throwing punches.  I am  a University graduate with degrees and a certainty about life and faith and who I am that reaches far beyond my own estimation as well as my parents.  (Thats a joke, the part about my parents)  Being a pot smoker in high school and doing my share of soft drugs, ditching school and beer bonging rebellion was no stranger to me..  Then something happened, I grew up, got married had babies and raised a family. Just like everyone else, right?  
However, as time has progressed I have realized I was just a cross section of the population of this country.  As an adult I learned of the struggle people of color have had and it began long before I was even a thought in the family line.  Don't label me just yet, I am not a liberal.  I am very much pro life and do not believe that a woman should be able to make a decision to end her child's life because its her body.  I don't come at anything with merely my opinion.  I study everything. I take in account a persons situation, how they came to the conclusion they did and why they feel the way that they do.  What has been a primary factor in peoples decisions, I have found since I have been formulating my ideas, is that people in general are selfish and weak.  Its true, they do not want to take the responsibility for their own behavior.  Throughout history people have been behaving this way.   
Strength and integrity are human qualities that need to be developed.  
Throughout  our past people have needed  the strong and sensible to make decisions for the rest who do not possess those character qualities if not for any other reason we don't end up animating ourselves as a species   One can see it all around them right now. For example, Where have all the trees gone?  The logging industry rather than finally calling it quits is hanging in there considering wild  trees growing in the wilderness needing to be managed(in their minds), have still been making our hillsides bare and dangerous.  Recently where I live,  the town nearest  had a mudslide.  It moved the homes below a hillside, off their foundations. It turned out to be a logging operation. They logged the land above the houses leaving the hillside bare.   Anyone with common sense would have seen that the tress were holding up the hillside and should not have been touched. That by cutting the trees a situation was created that certainly caused the soil retention to be weakened, and the weight of the water swept that soil downward(gravity) onto the homes below, possibly killing people in their beds. 

 Despite public education, that is compulsory in this nation, there are those that don't seem to be able to benefit from it.  Or is it that what is taught in the schools not sufficient?  Or that it turns out persons who cannot understand that you mustn't risk the lives of others to put money in your own pocket? 

This is where we are at with our political scene.  Its all boiling down to money again.  Money is being put on par with human value.  

End Part 1

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