Thursday, October 19, 2017


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It seems like Pedophiles and sex abusers are everywhere.  Deviant thinking and filth have become the norm.  It dominates the airwaves and we have to hear about people that get caught up in those lifestyles every day.  Crimes against women and children and the elderly have increased, and animal abuse its a war being fought all over the globe.

Honestly, I appreciate the people in Hollywood finally getting what they deserve.  We are seeing a Biblical ideology called reaping and sowing in action. As in *Luke 8:17, For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known, or illuminated.   Its kind of refreshing to see the accused squirm as one and then another of the compromised emboldened to publicly tell their tales of being groomed and then exploited and abused in their attempt to become an actor or actress. 

The biggest consequence of the influence of Hollywood is the moral degradation of our society played out on the screen in the name of freedom of speech and treated as if it were the normal life.   I believe Hollywood has contributed if not heralded the demise of the moral structure of this country.  That said, I believe we are seeing just the tip of the iceberg.  For instance, Great Britain who recently revealed a whole den of pedophiles in politics,  and their own entertainment industry. It began when they found out an already dead entertainer, a radio personality named; Jimmy Savile, had been abusing children for 60 years!  Sex rings and human trafficking was uncovered throughout the United Kingdom. (

Even now in our own country  "Pizza Gate", I do not doubt its truth in any way.   With the suspected abuses reaching to modern-day candidates and political figures.

I have decided to write about this because its been a growing problem in this country the USA as well, many people are finding the strength to accuse their abusers and I wanted to mention my point of view on the whole thing.

It's nothing unusual.  It is called sin.  In fact its a sin against one's own body.  By including a child in the act one is performing a terrible sin against God and yourself and the child.   This kind of a sin is expressly abhorrent because it has a victim that is affected all of their lives.  Women and men who have been sexually abused have difficulty with love.   They often do not find healthy relationships all of their lives.  Being in the mental health profession myself I have found a pattern amongst most of those that I have counseled.  The abused child doesn't relate to sex in a normal healthy way.  Often they are unable to express their own needs in a healthy manner towards others.  I was trained to believe that abusers often become abusers themselves although,  I do not find that true. I find that those abused try harder to find sexual normalcy than those that become predators after they themselves have been prey.
I have also been able to say that when people come out and debate the age of consent and what is true innocence are walking in a realm of theorizing and validating wrongful acts.

 They do not understand that a child is not sexual.  The age of consent is when a child is grown and sexually mature, chooses a mate and becomes free to express their feelings in a monogamous relationship.  Defending illicit sexual acts by theorizing the validity of age and maturity is wrong.

Having been a foster parent for a few years one sees a lot. What adults do to children.   It's like having a puppy and one teaches the puppy how to adapt to the family lifestyle.  Its taught to live indoors, potty outside, sit and speak, walk on a leash,  and where to sleep.  Children would come to my home sometimes in the middle of the night having just been removed from their parents, They're always hostile unless they were the whistleblower, and even then they are sad because the consequence of their actions is being realized.  Most are not normal children that smile or play or even have manners. They were someones blank slate and that person abused and often neglected them. I gave up foster parenting after my own son was supposedly abused, by a foster child I had in my home. The agency I was working for took in a child that had not been fully investigated and I did not get his file, it was a temporary situation and he was supposed to be gone after a few hours.
A few hours turned into a few days and then a few weeks.  All the while, I had a young boy, 8 years old in my home that had abused and beaten his little sister. I knew that much.   The agency divulged his story in a counseling session where he claimed to have touched my little son.  It was a lie of course.   I  did not allow my son to be alone with any of the children I had in my home.

Then the agency required my son have to counsel for this event.  I considered this ridiculousness. I was shocked and embarrassed to have been working for such fools and I gave up the license.   I later requested my file under the freedom of information act and it arrived covered with black marker strikeouts.
I was able to make out a few accusations from foster children that I did not even have in my home.  Later in the documents, the accusations were stated to be unfounded.   Yet, I was never told of any of this.   There was never an incident inquiry, no one called me and yet they put those lies in my file.
They really do not care about the children.  They are for the most part intent on protecting themselves.  Every case manager I associated with had bad attitudes and could not follow through with their duties. Where I live,  I saw in the paper that a manager of the entire child protective services was put into jail for abusing his wife.  It was hushed up and buried. Later I heard his name again and he had not even been demoted. 

Why not? Just the stigma of such a thing should have caused his firing.  I was told when I inquired that it is very difficult to fire a state employee.   I have deemed that agency a branch of evil and I will not work with them anymore.  I warn other foster parents, now that I am a professional counselor, not to have anything to do with the child protective services. Sure, it's sad, yet until someone who has the authority to take apart those agencies and root out their bad practices, the foster care systems should become as archaic as the mental health institutions of old.
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     Back to Hollywood, I don't believe that Michael Jackson abused children.  He loved children.  I believe that everything they found at his Never Land Ranch was planted.
Was Micheal Jackson molested and abused in the music industry? You can bet he was.  It is a culture.

Already many of the long-dead actors and actresses have had their accusers come out with stories of situations where another actor, director, or producer, took advantage of them as child actors and actresses.  Not all of them had the guts Jody Foster had to punch someone who touched her inappropriately in the nose.
However, many of that generation of actors and actresses abusers are still alive and that actor or actress is still making their living from acting...  Yet I ask, whom best but they?

It's a shame that child actors who are now dead did not have a chance to tell their sordid tales.  I often think as I watch child actors that grew up in Hollywood, their parents shoved aside as they are taught by tutors and working outside the child labor laws for hours and hours.  Up before dawn and allowed to sleep only after it is a wrap.  The churning pace of the treadmill of Hollywood, so that we can be entertained.  Studios rolling in the cash through exploitation without bounds.  The carnage evident throughout the cemeteries in Los Angeles.  Suicides are prolific, sordid tales of alcohol and drug abuse. It is rare an actor is allowed to be truly successful and have a long and illustrious career.  Now we have to ask: who did they step on to be there?  Its always written off as depression.  Often the question is left hanging in the air.  Yes, say it," why would someone so successful and beautiful kill themselves, it must be a disease." No, its a culture of abuse, and exploitation. They are used up and then thrown away.

Marilyn Monroe is an example of this.  Weak and vulnerable, we women know the type some of us are the type.  Brought up to believe that we must have a man in our lives to validate our worth. Those times have passed.  Equality is almost the norm, sure there are male-dominated occupations, and sexual harassment on the job is prolific.    Life can be fully realized without the validation or love of the opposite sex.

Recently I was able to voice my "# Me Too" to my friends and family as this shout out goes viral.

I was sexually harassed at work.  This especially poignant as I was a single mom trying to support 3 children after a divorce.  A young mom working in a mostly male field, I had a trade.  I was not an educated professional at the time yet, that doesn't lessen the situations.
The harassment came from older men.  Usually, over 40 who were married and had different ideas about women in the workplace.  Most of the time it was insulting but harmless, I had to develop a thick skin.  Then one day after a harrowing week of multiple comments where the men would walk by and say to me,"quit." at the end of that day I found a Kleenex soaked with sperm in my personal space.    I went right to the supervisor which now I regret, he was also older and did as expected, covered for them.  I felt like I was in a catch 22.  As it was my word against theirs.  I felt I had to toughen up, especially after a female co-worker reacted by saying "whats wrong with a little chubby?" I sat shocked at her reaction.  "This is my workplace.  I am a professional and what the hell does something like that mean anyway?' it's disgusting."  I replied.   She said, it means someone likes you," and she laughed.
I was dumbfounded.  I fought being ashamed and concluded it was not my fault I was not the one that was strange.  I have raised that a man respected a woman.  I was used to Godley men who cherished their wives and here I was being exposed to basically animals.    It's a strange feeling, to be treated that way. One doesn't have a frame of reference to react.  At least I didn't. 

I began to obsess a bit about it, watching people come and go, suspecting them.  I had to develop a separatist mentality, I stopped socializing with any of my co-workers. especially the men I did not engage in any conversation of any kind unless it pertained to the job.  I did my job despite them in an exemplary manner, clocked out and went home.  I prayed each day in my car before I went to work and made sure that everything I did carried a clear message to them. "Stay away from me." I did that job for 7 years before

Now that I am older I am wiser and would have reacted differently.What happened to me was a crime. What I should have done was go above the authority of my supervisor (who was not receptive to my reports of harassment,) and then onto making a report to the police. 
I now know its workplace harassment.  I was a victim of not only workplace harassment but direct sexual harassment. 
Hollywood has many Harvey Weinstein's,  

Hollywoods Harvey doesn't know how to relate to women in a respectful manner, and it goes deeper than that, Harvey has done the big NO NO, he has utilized his position to exploit women for sex.  However, he finally got caught.  A woman that had the dignity, and self-respect, a woman who knew right from wrong had the courage to say,  "Hey that's wrong!"

This is not a new situation,  how many women have found themselves in that position or mine?  Wake up!  Make others accountable for their acts, have the courage to do what I should have.   Let us all shine a light on that darkness, don't keep their secrets, don't tell lies, just tell the truth until someone listens. 


Keep the dialogue going, Let's initiate the reaping. 

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