Thursday, October 26, 2017


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Hello beautiful friends and family... and possibly those of you who have stumbled upon my unique and interesting Blog.  
       It is no secret to you that I follow many blogs and Podcasts.  I also enjoy Vlogs on YouTube.  Depending on what I am into I try to gather as much information as I can to supplement my interests.  I am really enjoying a Vlog called Long, Long Honeymoon on YouTube.  The Vlog features a couple named Shaun and Christie Michael who have an Airstream RV and they travel all over the country. &  YouTube v=kzIET2FrnW4 and if you really enjoy the info (it’s awesome!) you can support them at:

 I found this couple to be authentic and fun loving and Kristy doesn’t mind letting us see that she is also beautiful without her makeup.  (Inside Camping Joke), Shaun is able to cover the different aspects of the products they represent, and their travels, in a way that appeals to “we” analytical types, who need to know why?   “Loloho,” discusses a variety of topics from the best hats to sport, campgrounds for wildlife viewing, to equipment for your RV. I really appreciate how to do this and that (skills) and loved the "Top 5" Favorite Places to RV Camp in the USA.
I have learned how to “Swoop” (a RV parking maneuver), how to hook up RV to FHU and where I can get Blueberry Beer. Having hauled horses around for many years in a fully-loaded, 4-horse steel Tallboy, towing with an F150, 4x4, and earlier camping experiences with a StarCraft pop-up tent camper towing with a Chevy Astrovan, I do have some experience.  However, as of late I have developed a little more caution due to having matured and realized that there is much more involved than jumping in and “gettin er done.” Those of you who know me understand this aspect of my personality. 

Adding my mother to the quotient, who feels she has to giving her 2 cents to everything; driving an RV has changed its dynamics for me.
Also, she being reactionary there are often sounds, such as: sighing, moaning and that sucking in noise that one never gets used to, what’s that called? Alarm, Silent Screaming? Or Muffled agony?
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We are currently working on the walkie-talkie parking thing.  The dialogue follows this route:  Me head out window, “mom, mom, MOM! Push in the button on the side, then talk.” I say.  “Ok, I understand now,” she says.  The radio crackles in the cab of the RV, and then it goes silent.  Sticking my head out again, I say, “mom hold the button in while talking. “Ok “ I hear the radio crackle to life again and hear her mumble, “So bossy that kid.”
“Go really slow,” has taken on a new meaning for me (Loloho, expression). 
 I love my mom.  Before I moved in with her to help after my stepfather passed away. I was under the illusion I had great patience.  The key word there is “Illusion”

When I was doing the daily grind before I was forced into early retirement by a bad knee and a back injury I lived in another part of the country from my mom raising a family. Therefore, our time was limited to visits. She and my Stepdad would come to me in their Monaco Dynasty towing a Ford explorer.  Before hand negotiating a parking spot for them to park with my  with a neighbor.
On one occasion I was standing out in front, waiting for them on the cell phone, I saw them coming up the street. Mom said, “I see you”.  Expecting them to slow down and stop at least, they zipped right on by.
Now I kid you not, when that 45’ of RV towing the Explorer went by me he was doing about 35 and not slowing down, the wind action not only sucked me in but made my clothing and hair fly like I was in a tornado! I had to feel myself afterwards to see if I was still alive.  

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The RV came to an abrupt halt at the corner and I heard my mom yelling at my stepdad, “you passed her!” This incident became a humorous story in our family that It was embellished differently at each telling. 

RV’S, probably enhance our lives beyond our own understanding.  Everyone camps now. Driving around town I can count at least 10 RVs at any given time of the year.  Every other house has an RV parked in the yard.  My latest travel aspiration is to go to Arizona.

The State we know as Arizona, comes from the Aztec word "Arizuma," this means Silver bearing. Therefore, Arizona is not only worth its weight in Silver (one of most precious metals in the world, second only to Gold). Arizona is known as the Grand Canyon State and is one of the most popular destinations for RVer’s on the West Coast. 
Why do I single out Arizona?  Having driven through many times on my way elsewhere, this will be my next vacation destination, so I am studying up.  A Video Coffee Table Book Arizona - State of Wonder was a good start; this 1 ½ hr. video depicts the state with beautiful images taken in some of the most unique parks in Arizona.  Including the Grand Canyon. Put out by Digital Video Destinations in 2009 it can be seen or purchased at,

I hear the sunrises and sunsets are legendary, and the Saguaro is alive and well living in a National Park, a forest of Cacti! (Momentary silence please while we absorb that concept).  AND, the Arizona Cardinals practice football, not politics. 

Be Happy and keep coming back to for updates. Cited: 10/24/2017. (2017)


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