Thursday, June 14, 2018


We all know how fickle our President Donald Trump is about his Executive Office and all the other people appointed to perform duties representing our Federal Government in positions around the world.  It's the big boss attitude that attracted the attention of many in this country to watch him say, "YOUR FIRED" for 15 seasons that brought out unknowns and Stars to either win a job with the Trump Organization or pit themselves against the "Red Lion".

The "Red Lion "in his Kinglike demeanor decided he wanted to be president and so he was. 

Image result for Donald Trump
Donald J. Trump (2018 Google images)
I myself endorsed Marco Rubio the Senator from Florida.  For the first time putting a sticker on the bumper of my car, (which is a big deal for me.), writing letters, getting everyone in my circle of influence to register to vote. Even the people at the food banks where I volunteered were not safe from me, "are you registered to vote?"
The elderly, the poor, the maimed and the hungry were not safe from my speeches about a better life for them if we won the Whitehouse.  My own house divided with my brother screaming to me on the phone about Mr. Trump and how could I possibly support anyone else?  My son a clear Bernie Saunders supporter.   

Then the day came when Rubio conceded. His disappointment clear when he spoke negatively about how those of us who supported him should not vote for Trump and steer our votes elsewhere to block a landslide for Donald Trump. I voted for Trump.  I don't know maybe I didn't.  I closed my eyes and made a mark.  I did that in the last election too.  Wishing there was a box for undecided.  

 I actually cried.  After my disappointment, I became interested in the politics of the UK and wrote letters of support and encouragement to the Prime minister.   I know right?   
My mother says I missed my calling, Politics. I do not really think so.  I don't have the personality for the limelight.  I'd rather stand behind the scenes, say something when it matters and makes sense out of chaos. 

At this moment Senator Rubio who returned to Congress as a Senator representing the State of Florida is also active as the Chair for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  He is currently sponsoring many bills and championing the concerns relating to foreign trade laws and especially those concerning China.

After stepping back from domestic politics the past couple years and trying to immerse myself in foreign politics, I have gained a very real appreciation of our own form of democracy. In the purest form.  Not Capitalism.  

Despite all the negativity against our President by our media, his defense of himself, powered by the social media: I've discovered that overwhelmingly, The United States of America is the unique and valuable country. The whole world wants what we have.  Our form of Democracy is working and in the opinion of the President and in the opinions of the ever-changing executive branches we must be ever vigilant to keep what we have and protect it as if it were a precious commodity.

Never before have we been under such attack from within and without.   Be vigilant and aware and be prepared to defend this great nation and stand united with the leadership that understands where we really are in the bigger picture, that is currently making decisions to secure its future for us now and for that of our children.  

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