Friday, September 25, 2015


(Used under Public Domain Laws, Google Images, 2015)

     I have struggled with writing this Blog recently as I have had a summer schedule that boggles most minds including mine.  I moved. I moved by car. I drove 3,600 + miles with a dog and 4 parakeets, and a Parrot.  I drove in hot, hot southern summer weather with the air conditioning off so not to tax my cars little engine.  I drove in thunderstorms in Iowa that looked like at any minute they would become a tornado, I ate at McDonalds,so I did not have to do anything more than stop to potty the dog, buy a 2.50 hamburger and be on the road again.  I did it in 6 days, 12 states.  I felt driven, when I passed the road in South Dakota that said," Exit, Mt. Rushmore Monument" I knew I was unusually driven.  I told myself, "its okay your not on a vacation, you'll be back."  
     I arrived I would say, just in time to pull our home that had been vacant for almost 2 years back from the wilderness.  
Unfortunately not soon enough as my storage had leaked destroying much of my furniture and belongings. I was already exhausted by the trip.  My ears were ringing, I sometimes felt dizzy, yet I got up each day and worked until night outside and then came in and worked some more.  I could not stop, I'd see something and I would get up from resting and do it.  
     My son came over to clean the gutters, and help me move the ruined furniture out of the leaking shelter.  I made 3 piles, trash, metal and wood.  Wood we can burn, metal for the scrapers, and trash for the dump.  I cleaned up 3 outbuildings and closed in a lean too for the rest of my earthly belongings.  On the last day I had help, we were hauling things to give away to the curb, and I fell and twisted my shoulder again, bruised my wrist and put a deep hole in my shin.  I  had to sit and direct from a lawn chair.  But it all got done except a little more furniture moving which my second shift can do when they visit in a couple months.    

     Recently as I sat with an ice pack on my leg, trying to convince myself I had reached a point I could quit for the day, I found the Dream Team.  
This is what I am calling the Presidential Candidates that are running on the Republican ticket.   As I prepared my mind to look for personality flaws, (those things that should not be present in a person who would be considered to run this country), I was happily surprised that they are all experienced, skilled, brilliant people! Someone said, "anyone would be capable after this president:", 
     "No," I said, these are extraordinary people.  I could not  significantly make a choice as I was sure I would be able to do.  Yes,  I favor Marco Rubio, who is supremely articulate and knowledgeable about political systems.  Obviously a scholar, he weaved his way in and out of each issue including the abortion issue with admirable capability.    The United States could not do any better by electing this man to the Presidency.  
     Then there is Mike Huckabee, a discerning, experienced man with a great understanding of what is needed and how to accomplish this including how to beat the Clintons who will inevitably be the opposition.  He was, after all the Governor of Arkansas for 10 years, opposing every move by that political machine that halts at nothing to have its way.  
     Donald Trump, not a polished speaker but a man with heart that has successfully built a business empire from a mere construction company.  He at one time lost and made back more money than the national debt! If we were to make him the President we would again roll in the comfort of our American Dreams, respectively.  
     Carly Fiorina, If you must have that as an option, One black President and then a woman, why not?  then this is your girl! Why get on Hilary's bandwagon? Please… don't condemn us all to the same old same old liberal crap as we have had to live through all these years.   Carly is a brilliant woman, she hits all the aspects of Politics and although as most cannot distinguish between governmental issues and issues the government should stay out of, (as most of the candidates are guilty of Rubio and Huckabee excluded and maybe Ted Cruz.) She has a good grasp on what the American people want.  Carly would also be an excellent choice for President.  
Jeb Bush, the former governor of Florida and brother of George W. Bush our 43rd President. Fighting to be his own man, is another aspect the Republican party can consider.  
     Ted Cruz, devoted and genuine, experienced and intelligent.  
Even Christie is a great candidate.  I had thought him a typical politician but was happily surprised to hear him defend the unborn with vigor and conviction! 
     My brother loves Dr. Rand Paul.  He speaks of him fondly as if his vote can carry a majority.  
Or  Dr. Ben Carson a brilliant surgeon who separated conjoined twins successfully! A Seventh Day Adventist, and wonderful Orator who speaks with tremendous wisdom.  
   Gov. Bobby Jindal, a charismatic and much loved Governor of Louisiana who brings a incredible track record of an already successful leadership to the contest.  
    And… many more individuals that even at their worst would shine like diamonds in comparison to the last 7.5 year endeavor of political failure in leadership.  

Then it hit me! Why not elect them all.  It would be so easy to let them all decide who would lead, and the rest appointed posts in the government.  It would be a shame to have to decide. Therefore, from my armchair, all ice packs and iodine aside, I vote for them all! The Dream Team #1.

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