Wednesday, August 5, 2015


A Clean cute town with no fast food restaurants.   
It was hot, very hot! as we visited the Peace River Wild Life Sanctuary and the Parrot Outreach Society(both in Punta Gorda) We lovebirds!  Upon finding out that the river was full of bacteria and could not be swum in and  Hearing my mother complain just added to the list of things I did not need to know.  The world is so full of useless information. 
     Sometimes I wonder if it is just that people need to hear themselves talk?  I always ask myself after someone has volunteered some chunk of words and phrases, what  did that accomplish?  Wasn't that the conversation we had before, wasn't that old news on the TV?  The other day I was watching Fox News and the reporter came on and spoke of the New planet that might hold life called the Keplar -186F, gee that's great I thought and then I realized I had already heard of this back in 2014.  Currently this telescope is on its way out of our Galaxy having recently passed Pluto the outermost planet. 
     All at once I felt like I was in a void, this is old news being reported as new.  It caused me to ponder the nature of the human minds ability to accept and retain information. 

 Perhaps like my mother most people go around and around the same block in their minds mixing up dates and times or just as a computer they have a limited retention for facts and other kinds of information?  
     It's not like I am all that concerned however, I feel kind of sad that so much is out there and so little is retained in an orderly manner. I suppose if everyone had great retention we'd all be brilliant.  Yet, that's not how the world works.   

My brother stated once, "you got the brains in the family."  Honestly,. I got a hunger for knowledge.  I liken myself to a Mrs. Pac Man gobbling up bits of information and spewing it out at parties, random strangers in the grocery lines and to my poor mother who listens patiently as I give her the statistics of how many Americans vote, don't sleep or die each year of cigarette smoking.   
I try not to be a walking encyclopedia and accept others as they give their en-capsulized renditions of events and circumstances that occurred sometimes many years ago.  

I have seen many saying about knowledge on the internet and T-shirts that have been spawned from these various sayings.  It has often brought me laughter, especially the one that says,"I have forgotten more than you can remember."  I think I will have that printed on my next bumper sticker.  

     Back to Punta Gorda, the cute little riverside town on the other side of a bridge that spans over the Peace River.  On the other side is Port Charlotte where there is no shortage of fast food places.  Yet, we were not going that way. Finally after sitting at many long signals we made it to the Circle K and filled up for .69 with cold soda.  The hot sun beat down on the car and the two of us tried to conceal our disappointment at not having found someplace to swim.  "I said trying to lighten the mood in the baking car,"didn't we do this before?" as she smiled and stared out the window.  

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