Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I wanted to  write a little about this movie I found on NetFlixs.  All of these things have been bothering me. Lately  about how fake our government has appeared to me as being. How nothing that is said is anything that is done.  Now do not get me wrong, I am and was the last person on the being suspect list as far as our Federal Government is concerned. Then I put a lot of work into an anti horse slaughter Bill. which is and was intended on keeping  American Horses out of the hands of slaughter houses and off the plates of Europeans dinner plates. Horses are not livestock bred for food. They are companion animals devoted to being loved and in return love us back.  They have born man throughout history willingly into battles and finding fortunes and as the basic mode of transport for centuries.   All to be rewarded by being shoved into trailers bound for mexico when their owners can no longer afford to feed them but want a little profit in exchange for their already inhumane treatment of this nobel creature.  They are  horribly treated and then as a practice stabbed in the back until they lose their footing and can be then dragged by a tractor to their painful and undeserved death.  
     I had to use this space to do that, as it is just a mere example of  what is going on. My American Government is also sponsoring the massacre of wild horses which roam free on our  very large open grazing lands across the nation.  It is always kill, kill, kill. After the film of the massacre of the African Elephants as another ignorant government lifted its ban on ivory I started to take a really hard look at what is really going on.  We are moving backwards.   Laws are changing that were put into place by hard work and often blood and miraculous efforts only to be hacked up and forgotten on the floors of the Senate and Congress as our supposed devoted and patriotic representatives fight over who should get raises and huge retirements for their elected temporary positions.   
     Its not just the animals that are suffering. 
      America has millions without health care and after all of this arguing we still have no healthcare! Then I found out that 17 million children are going hungry in the most prosperous nation in the world.  WTH!!!! 
     What is being seen and what we know is; I am finding all lies.   Look around at all the inequities?  It is true that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.  It is true that our President is out of touch with the real America, it is true that we have a system that is broken.  The reason I have struggled with what many have already accepted,I am a positive person and do not like to believe the worst. However, I cannot ignore the obvious any longer, I am not stupid.  Yet, all I hear from everyone is,"there is nothing I can do." and I began to feel that way also.  However, after seeing this movie I feel like there is something I can do.  AND: there is something we all can do.  Together as a nation of intelligent people we can  make a change towards having the world we want to live in.   
     Lets all decide what that looks like and speak about it, then lets live it.   Lets not just vote our conscience lets also buy our conscience.  What does that look like?  don't  buy anything that costs something its life, example: the ivory trade is blooming again because the Chinese want real carved artifacts in their living rooms rather than the substitutes available.  It looks the same and  wether it is made from genuine ivory or resin it will all go to dust as they grow tired of it. Unfortunately, the creatures that supplied that ivory had to die so a newly rich Chinese wanted to make a vain social statement.   
    Every  living  thing on planet earth is endangered now and as we pave over our farmland for parking lots and exploit everything into extinction we are ourselves stealing the future from our own very children and grandchildren.  

Let us all stop and think how we can make a difference. Is it a small beginning as getting recyclable bags and compositing?  Or perhaps with that next car replacement ditching the truck for a hybrid?  The next time you see a crushed cat or raccoon or deer or possum on the highway ask yourself who would  run something over and not get out and  move it to the side and feel ashamed that we live in a world full of so much carelessness.  Do you ever ask yourself why? Why do they have to kill everything? Why does your neighbor have to use poison on the moles instead of an herbal mixture that works just as well and does not endanger the other creatures which abound?  
In my  area I have seen his deer wandering around with what looks like fishermen's nets and tackle on his antlers.  He is an older deer and will not lose his antlers as the fish and game officers have said.  I asked myself why do they not come out and find him and do their jobs (which I pay their salaries with my taxes) to help the creatures?  They told a local who did call, one of many that the antlers will just fall off.  Hugh?   
Not so, 4 months after I saw him he is still wandering around like that.  Its a miracle  he is still alive.  

In another time we would have made a movie about the poor deer, and named him something appropriate to signify his plight.In this tale the game ranger would have been the hero.  Now no one cares.  I ask myself Why?  Do you?  

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