Thursday, June 14, 2018


We all know how fickle our President Donald Trump is about his Executive Office and all the other people appointed to perform duties representing our Federal Government in positions around the world.  It's the big boss attitude that attracted the attention of many in this country to watch him say, "YOUR FIRED" for 15 seasons that brought out unknowns and Stars to either win a job with the Trump Organization or pit themselves against the "Red Lion".

The "Red Lion "in his Kinglike demeanor decided he wanted to be president and so he was. 

Image result for Donald Trump
Donald J. Trump (2018 Google images)
I myself endorsed Marco Rubio the Senator from Florida.  For the first time putting a sticker on the bumper of my car, (which is a big deal for me.), writing letters, getting everyone in my circle of influence to register to vote. Even the people at the food banks where I volunteered were not safe from me, "are you registered to vote?"
The elderly, the poor, the maimed and the hungry were not safe from my speeches about a better life for them if we won the Whitehouse.  My own house divided with my brother screaming to me on the phone about Mr. Trump and how could I possibly support anyone else?  My son a clear Bernie Saunders supporter.   

Then the day came when Rubio conceded. His disappointment clear when he spoke negatively about how those of us who supported him should not vote for Trump and steer our votes elsewhere to block a landslide for Donald Trump. I voted for Trump.  I don't know maybe I didn't.  I closed my eyes and made a mark.  I did that in the last election too.  Wishing there was a box for undecided.  

 I actually cried.  After my disappointment, I became interested in the politics of the UK and wrote letters of support and encouragement to the Prime minister.   I know right?   
My mother says I missed my calling, Politics. I do not really think so.  I don't have the personality for the limelight.  I'd rather stand behind the scenes, say something when it matters and makes sense out of chaos. 

At this moment Senator Rubio who returned to Congress as a Senator representing the State of Florida is also active as the Chair for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  He is currently sponsoring many bills and championing the concerns relating to foreign trade laws and especially those concerning China.

After stepping back from domestic politics the past couple years and trying to immerse myself in foreign politics, I have gained a very real appreciation of our own form of democracy. In the purest form.  Not Capitalism.  

Despite all the negativity against our President by our media, his defense of himself, powered by the social media: I've discovered that overwhelmingly, The United States of America is the unique and valuable country. The whole world wants what we have.  Our form of Democracy is working and in the opinion of the President and in the opinions of the ever-changing executive branches we must be ever vigilant to keep what we have and protect it as if it were a precious commodity.

Never before have we been under such attack from within and without.   Be vigilant and aware and be prepared to defend this great nation and stand united with the leadership that understands where we really are in the bigger picture, that is currently making decisions to secure its future for us now and for that of our children.  

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death.[6] Risk factors include mental disorders such as depressionbipolar disorderschizophreniapersonality disorders, and substance abuse — including alcoholism and the use of benzodiazepines.[2][4][7] Other suicides are impulsive acts due to stress such as financial difficulties, troubles with relationships, or bullying.[2][8] Those who have previously attempted suicide are at a higher risk for future attempts.[2] Suicide prevention efforts include limiting access to methods of suicide — such as firearms, drugs, and poisons; treating mental disorders and substance misuse; proper media reporting of suicide; and improving economic conditions.[2] Even though crisis hotlines are common, there is little evidence for their effectiveness.[9](wikipedia,2004)
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Google Images 2018

The Bible speaks to this horrible act as it does on all subjects pertinent to living.  In the Bible, King Saul and his armor-bearer committed Suicide.   However, in Ecclesiastes 7:17, The word tells us,"be not much over wicked, neither be thou foolish: why should you die before thy time?. "Even Jesus Christ himself was tempted by Satan to kill himself." Luke 4:9 tells of when Satan brought Jesus into Jerusalem and set him on a pinnacle of the temple and told him ïf thou to be the son of God, cast thyself down from hence." To which he rebuked Satan and questioned the act saying, "It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." Satan had expounded as he had to Eve, trying to seduce Jesus into killing himself. Eve did commit a sort of suicide by disobeying, thus tempting God. All of mankind suffered for her transgressions.  It was a betrayal of love and trust.

" Don't flatter yourself into thinking you are The Christ or even that you matter that much in the bigger scheme of things as the Lord God, the father recognizes humility, not pride.

To this author that is telling me that to kill oneself is a wicked evil act. Pure selfishness.   It angers me when people who are celebrated or famous murder themselves.  It sends a final statement to the living saying, that they didn't care and were ungrateful for all that they were given.  Or it's not worth it.  Look at me, I have it all and its nothing. The bottom line is they were so filled with self that they became introspective and because the soul without Christ cannot find meaning or purpose.  Once life is devalued and self-has elevated a confusion and depression becomes paramount.  Regret and grief, one views one's life in a narrow spherical manner. Around and around we go in the maze. Working, eating, and sleeping pure functionality no matter what the level.

With Jesus Christ as our savior, our lives have more depth and meaning.  The Holy Spirit leads us to a deeper understanding of life and its great purposes, including our part in it.  Gods Holy word, (The Bible, King James actually has power in it,)   works as bread and water to our thirsty questioning souls.  I have seen people healed by the vigilant reading of the KJV (King James Version)over them.  Its called the bread of life and Christ's sacrifice for us: the filthy rags we are the drink to the thirsty soul.  His love is better than life. To be embraced in the spirit by Christs Holy Spirit is the ultimate fulfilling. I have myself been touched by Christ in prayer 2 times in my life and fallen to my knees in an emotion I cannot fully explain.  Totally out of control of my physical body and sobbing like a baby overwhelmed by a pure and complete feeling that God loves me. To this, I have no doubt and his purposes for me keep me from the wide path of temptation that beckons me to see life as a waste.  My readers may say I do not know depression, but unfortunately, I do. I suffered a nervous breakdown when I was in my 30s.  I felt those feelings of worthlessness and a sadness I cannot explain.  It's a terrible place to be.  The darkness totally enveloped me.  I laid down in the mud and gave up, rain pelting me mixing my tears away in the flood of water that was pooling over me.  Then a flash of car lights fell upon me in the dark and I remembered I was a mother and had children at home who I loved and they loved me.  I got back up and trudged on.  To make a long story short; My daughter met me at the door and was frantic as I had simply disappeared.  When she said,"mom, I went out to the barn looking for you and expected to see you swinging from the rafters."I was immediately ashamed.  How could I have been so selfish?  The guilt was unbearable. 
I had a lot of time to think all of this through.  Realizing that there are many situations that occur in life that we have no control over. It is a lie to think we can have control over something so dynamic as life.  However, we are fed this lie.  Why because our world is designed to lie to us because it is under control of an enemy and his name is Satan.

This Satan a fallen angel was tossed out of the presence of God because he was so absorbed with himself that he defied God his creator.  He vowed, in essence, to seek revenge for his punishment and destroy Gods beloved creation man.  Everything we do here on earth is a conflict because of this.  When one gets depressed and questions one's own self-worth (which is found in Christ), we are falling into the confusion of lies.  Satan is the father of lies. The Bible tells us that it is he the father of lies, is as a lion who roams about seeking to whom he can devour.  What that translates to is here is this immortal being who is desperately wicked, walking the earth (his kingdom), looking for someone to destroy.  Yeah, its scary, and I spend every day doing my best to make sure that I am standing next to Jesus who is on the right hand of his father God.
God created Satan and he can take him out.  I used to ask why doesn't he do it, punish that wicked grotesque thing that hates all of what is good and pure in life, that which is truly beautiful and most fulfilling.  Just smoosh him out, make him a grease spot on the pavement?  Because he already has provided for that.  It is definite.  He lost the war already.  That day that Christ submitted to being the final sacrifice for us, the day he died and went to hell for 3 days and set the captives free.  and then on that 3rd day, he arose again having conquered sin and death and hell. He basically made Satan Impotent, Jesus Christ took away Satan's future and all his power.

Yes, it's all still going on, we are living in exciting times because Jesus is coming back again, He's coming for HIS people.  I have to always stop and think about that to gain perspective.  The Savior of the world is coming back again for me, and you if you love him with all your mind, will and emotions. The Bible finally tells us in Proverbs 3:5& 6, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding, In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.

I have had to in life trusted people and everyone with flesh has let me down and disappointed me.  Not true with God, God has never let me down.  I am not saying I have a Bugatti in my garage or a career that even pays my bills.  Yet, when I count my blessings I see how blessed I have been.  When I doubt, I realize that I am looking for proof through the eyes of a temporal earthbound being.  In order to see God, one must put on a garment of praise and humility with one's heart, not one's mind.  We seek the father on our knees and unclench our fist so he can educate us and we can become all that we can be on the earth and more useful for the father's plans in eternity.

Suicide is an ultimate and final slap in the face to our creator who only wants our happiness and our love because we chose to love. It is also a victory for Satan who hates God and relishes in our suffering because he knows that when we suffer, Gods creation that he chose over the Angels including Satan suffers.  Suicide is self-murder and the destruction of that which is most precious to God that he gave his only son to suffer on the cross save us for eternity.

(Google Images,2018)
Wikipedia: The free encyclopedia. (2004, July 22). FL: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved August 10, 2004, from(Wikipedia,2004)