Monday, February 8, 2016


 Here we are in another election year.  The radios and TVs are constantly announcing who is running and how many votes they  are getting as they travel across the USA to rally votes for their campaign:

Yet as they do this our country is not in stasis.  Wars and rumors of wars, China and Russia involved n various actions against Korea and Syria.  War is still raging across the Middle East , Israel is still being bomb by the Palestinian factions.  Japan although has no army is still coming back from a necular disaster.  The whales are washing up on the shores out of a polluted sea.  Michigan still has bad water problems, Texas has mean Sasquatch in the south and the climate is still serving up astonishing weather.  AND The Zika Virus has spread to:


  • Barbados
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
  • Colombia
  • Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, US territory
  • Costa Rica
  • Curacao
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • El Salvador
  • French Guiana 
  • Guadeloupe
  • Guatemala
  • Guyana
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Jamaica
  • Martinique
  • Mexico
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
  • Paraguay
  • Saint Martin
  • Suriname
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Venezuela


  • American Samoa
  • Samoa
  • Tonga

Life goes on Right?   As we weigh out the issues, and weed out the lies,  I remind myself not to forget history.  Under our current President I was out of work and had exhausted my unemployment when  my government reported job sectors up when everyone was really out of work.  I flew all over the country for interviews and all I got was  pneumonia and spent a month in bed.    As congress met twice to renew benefits just as the Federal government shut down for 16 days because it could not function.  FURTHER while i was sick, weakened by stress due to my lack of employment, the President still had his job and was making a mandatory 400,00 , even when the government was officially shut down.  
The news reported that joblessness was down, however, the facts were distorted.  The numbers only included those who were currently on unemployment.  It did not include those who had exhausted their benefits.  

Why is it that we are lied to?  who benefits by the lies and what can we the average citizen do about it?  
Firstly, we must remember that politicians  tell us what we want to hear to get elected.  They have never been President before so how do they know what they can do?  Therefore, one must take a closer look at each candidate and decide if they understand the realities of the way our government works. That they understand  their powers and the powers of the Congress and how  each are meant to work..  Do you know?  
If you are concerned that you do not understand what is going on, AND knowing you did not do well in history and government in high school you can take a brush up course at

Its important to do this especially if you are like me, a product of a failing public school system.  Yet as I grew older I wanted to know more about our political system especially since it  directly effects the way I lead my life, my career, school, my finances, and the laws that effect my everyday life, and the upstanding citizens who live within my community.  

It occurred to me last night that we are very small creatures held here on this planet by a force called gravity. That we are limited by our life spans and have no control over that life or our own mortality.  All we do have is this life that we wake to each day rain or shine, and we need to  be responsible for how each precious day plays itself out.  

We need to be concerned with what happens here and concerned with our actions to produce a legacy that can be left behind for our own prodigy.  Therefore, it is very important that we participate in the political process for their sake if not for our own.  

Look at each and every one of those candidates lives.  

Is "The Donald" an honest man in business dealings?  Sure he wins and gets what he wants, but what price did he pay to do that?  Who was in his way and was everyone treated fairly. The question of eminent domain has come up and many people do not understand that the Federal government can come and take your home away if it is in the best interest of the American people.  However, it is not a case of Eminent Domain when a billionaire buys farmland that has been in generations of peoples families in Scotland to build a Golf Course, and bullies the adjacent landowners because their operating farms do not look like golf courses. Further tells the Scottish Government to move their wind powered turbines in the ocean because they block the view?   Think about how this man will represent us in the world?    Are we going to make a President out of someone who has already embarrassed us all over the world to the extent that the British(people) want  to vote to keep him out of Great Britain.? Does it matter? Do we even care?   I know silly.  Yet, lets ask ourselves why?  Why does Vladimir Putin like him and call him a talented business man and that he would make us an excellent leader.  Vladimir Putin?  Gee I'd boast that one for sure.... No slam intended against Vlad, as you are a worship worthy figure of virility.   But Russia is the country that has been notorious in the past for simply killing their citizens ,starving them to death and leaving Navy men at the bottom of the ocean in a submarine called the Kursk, while specialized help was waiting above to rescue them! . 

As an American Citizen I want to review what is important to me and put my candidate under the microscope to see how their ideals compare to mine.  I want to know that my nation is not going to be seen as the devil of the west for our attitudes about killing the unborn and discarding our elderly.  I ask myself, "why doesn't Ted Cruise talk about  my issues? " Why did Chris Christie insult Marco Rubio saying he was inexperienced and not worthy of being the President of the United States.  How does he qualify that statement?  Is that a viable thing to say?  

In my mind Senator Rubio won the confidence of the peoples of Florida by being the man he already is. Supporting the issues and interests of  the people who voted for him, working to change the system to function correctly to the satisfaction of the people he represents, and being an effective representative of the people that sent him to Washington.     

I continue to remind myself no matter how much I like the other candidates who are running for President on the Republican ticket including Jeb Bush and Dr. Carson, (As well as Chris Christie: who gave an impassioned speech about the rights of the unborn that had me standing beside the TV shouting AMEN! ) that I am responsible for making an informed decision and making my vote count! 

I ask myself who understands government and how it works? Which one of the candidates will be able to work with congress to make the kind of  positive changes to a system that has gone wrong, that will make a difference in my life and the lives of my family.  

I keep asking these questions knowing at some point I will pull that lever with confidence knowing
 One thing for certain, it won't be for the lessor of two evils.