Saturday, May 16, 2015


(Used under Public Domain laws, Retrieved from Google Images)

Well I know they are!

  This is the leader of the Conservative Party in Great Britain David Cameron and his wife Samantha.   Earlier this week his party took the country in a landslide vote. It was so unanimous that it actually wiped out parties, their leaders had to go find other work as the Parties had so few voters the other parties  became defunct in power.   
     Now one has to learn a little about the British Political system. Its different than  ours in the USA.  They do not create a one man power.  
Its more like the party is elected and the parties leader is voted upon in his constituency.  For us it would be our local Representative elected.  Its actually a better system because it isn't a one man show.  

     David Cameron may look like a Movie Star and leads his country like our President leads ours yet he has no EXECUTIVE decision making powers! He has to do what the Parliament says. He answers also to the Queen of England.
And...Yes Queen Elizabeth does still preside over Great Britain.  In all actuality the British Monarchy who are Billionaires and own most of the land in  their Island Nation,still allow the peasants to reside there.  
hey they don't know it SHHHH....
     The Brits carry on about how they don't want to pay for a token monarchy and a lot of similar blither yet they have no idea that if they don't behave the Queen can activate HER MILITARY and drive them all into the sea. 

      I guess that's why we left. Under the shadow of being beheaded or hung.  A fate generously handed down to all those who did not worship in the Church of England (very powerful and corrupt then) drove our Christian forefathers out.  

However, I want to bring up a subject; " doesn't it feel like our current President acts like hes a King?"  Isn't that what we tried to leave behind? My fellow believers can see my point.  As he hoist s the Muslim nations even higher and his ISIS stomping on the flag, killing babies and toddlers, makes me feel like I am living in another world.  Where is Democracy Now?  

     Where is our humanity?Where is that American Spirit that has so long been the foundation of this nation?    As the liberals yell about the deaths of our young people on foreign soils and how we  must not take on the responsibilities of the world. bla, bla,  Let me ask you this, "What would you have us do?"  We are the most powerful, prosperous, wealthy nation on the face of the earth.  We have been led astray by the lies of the current government who is are creating distractions while taking our hard earned dollars and filling their own pockets, as you go off to your job each day. What say you now?  

   I became a British Lover about 5 years ago when I was disappointed by OBama Care.  I thought it was going to be like the Magnificent NHS! But it turned out to be something from the black lagoon, (no pun intended).  
    This last year I was between insurances.  My state decided not to pick up their part of the care initiative.  On my 1040 they asked me if I had insurance, I checked the no box just to see, they wanted to tax me!
 >>> At that moment all of my idealism went into the trash.  All of that slavery and Abraham Lincoln and equality,I had ridden in with along with so many other Americans.... died. 

     Much like bursting a balloon My heart sank when I realized that America was not in for something Amazing and I would not be part of anything more than failure.  
     I tuned into a Parliamentary debate and saw the heated exchanges they sometimes have . All the  bouts almost like boxing matches. ) 
I'm a Hockey fan so this was pretty exciting to see)  They called each other names and hammered home personal opinions.  One older gentleman called,"the father of the house," Impeccably dressed, an orator unsurpassed in eloquence held my attention for many minutes.  
     I was hooked as many others are.    My family has accepted this and also the fact that had I the money I would be on a plane to live in GB and never look back.  I'd be an Expat like so many others my age are.  
     American politics is so disappointing and corrupt its not unlike losing ones Virginity. So overrated.  ~



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