Saturday, May 30, 2015



I wrote a little story about my mom, entering a contest at the PAWNBROKER GRILL, STUART, FLORIDA: I won!

The story was an honest rendition, encapsulated about my mother.  
     At the time I did not realize that this restaurant was 3 hours away,across the state! 
 Fortunately, Florida is a long skinny state, making it shorter to cross. We made it without any problems other than the normal Florida horrible drivers issues. Never in my life have I seen such lack of responsibility behind the wheel. I came to the conclusion that our EMS is so efficient in what they do, we do not see the carnage that results from this kind of  driving.  
No one has any idea THEY personally, can and do die AND cause death  driving that way.  Complete Morons.  But that's another story.  

Florida is flat and green in the middle ending in the Atlantic Ocean in Stuart, Florida,>

I had not seen the Atlantic as an adult before this. But there it was blue and gorgeous!

     We arrived a little early and my mother whom the day was dedicated to wanted to see the ocean.  So over the bridges we went to where the road spanned out on a spit, boasting several turnoffs and parking lots on the beach.  

     The sun was still hot, yet the air was thick and cool as a bank of clouds  was moving in from the west. She took off in front of me after I took her picture on the boardwalk in front of the leatherback turtle informational. Suddenly my camera began to malfunction and my attention turned to this while my mom went down to stand in the surf.  
     The water was super rough, the waves were high and crashed with hard force unto the beach, their power forming way out.
 I watched a man, his son(about 9), and his dog as they began to get into the water.  I mildly thought,"Id never let my dog into that nor my child!" as he swam way out quickly leaving the pair to enter on their own.  
     I continued to fidget with my camera, slowly making my way across the sand towards my mother, the man and his family to my left.
No one else was on the beach except 2 young ladies engrossed in suntanning farther up the beach.   
     I saw the first wave hit the dog as he set out before the boy desperately dog paddling to catch his owner at least 3 yards out already.  The wave caught the dog and tumbled him under, I stopped messing with the camera as I saw the boy turn and head back towards shore.  It was obviously too much for him and he knew it. 
     I myself am the owner of an English Springer Spaniel, who are a little smaller than the Golden Retriever which this dog was. "Rusty"(we came to know him as) His coat a deeper red color than the traditional golden colored coats these dogs sport.  Rusty was obviously a water lover as he was right in there at first bobbing up and over the smaller waves in a line of many in a rolling series.
However, as the waves got higher and stronger one hit him he went under. I started to run as soon as I saw this. Rusty went under a second time he did not come back up. Finally, he did come up but slowly and just his tail waving in the air. He was obviously disoriented and in trouble. I knew he would drown if I could not keep him in sight. 
He came up the next time right where my eyes thought he would.   
I was by this time in the water making my way towards the dog,  I was pointing and shouting at the man who was also making his way back to shore jumping and powering through the surf.. I kept my hand up and pointing at the dog  as another wave began to crest over the struggling shape in the water.  
Fortunately, as Divine Providence would shine upon the creatures we love and the circumstances of life we endure, the owner reached out and grabbed the dog just in time as that wave broke over them both. 
He came out as I ran up to where they were leaving the water. Rusty was slightly limp in his arms, I looked for signs of life. ( I imagined myself giving CPR, the various steps running through my mind. It would not have been the first time I had given CPR to an animal.)  
Fortunately, I saw the dog was fine as he gasped a few times to catch his breath, wag his tail, and lay down on the sand to recuperate.     
     The dogs owner related to mom and me, that the dog had been having inner ear issues. Therefore, probably the cause of his near drowning. An urgency to tell the man that since the issues remained  unresolved that he get another Veterinarian came over me, my voice sounding so foreign in the excitement charged air.   
     I did not have the time to tell him of a new trend I have observed with our Veterinarians these days:their willingness to keep the animals issues ongoing to ensure more money for themselves, and to keep these sophisticated and over staffed offices going.  I hate this practice as meanwhile the animal suffers. This results in more animals not seeing a Veterinarian as their owners just cannot afford the long drawn out treatments.

     Mom and I said a little prayer for Rusty. The man thanked us many times hugging the now standing Retriever,  his son sat quietly with his legs drawn to his chin.   

As we dispersed from one another to go our various ways, I saw the man begin again to swim out into the sea however, when he noticed the boy was not strong enough to keep the dog on the beach he gave up and proceeded to leave.
     Mom and I went back to taking pictures and dipping in the Atlantic. We saw these people later at their vehicle doting on Rusty making sure he was okay.  Obviously someone who really cared about their pup.   

     My reward was a perfect meal on the Prawnbroker Grill.
I ordered,  Filet Mignon, with grilled Shrimp on the side, the best garlic mashed I have ever had the pleasure to eat, two fisted Chardonnay,and  fried to perfection Calamari rings.  Wonderful! 
     My mother who is never happy had all her favorites, including a shrimp cocktail, a chilled to perfection Non-alcoholic beer, Horseradish encrusted Grouper, (wow!),plus Key Lime Pie!  and she loved it all! =)
      I was wet and salt-sticky, and felt physically uncomfortable until I finished the second glass of wine. = >
 Relieved that I wasn't with someone I was trying to make an impression on @@   
The whole time my mother sang my praises about the rescue of the Rusty to the waiters, the general managers and the people eating around us.

 I was happily surprised that our main waiter was a sweet young man that looked and acted very similar to my own son, the food was something out of a movie,beautiful and delicious!  The people were very kind and my mother was happy. Phew...What a day, a divinely ordered day.  Its so amazing when the lord gets center stage! I close my eyes and savor the moments.  


Saturday, May 16, 2015


(Used under Public Domain laws, Retrieved from Google Images)

Well I know they are!

  This is the leader of the Conservative Party in Great Britain David Cameron and his wife Samantha.   Earlier this week his party took the country in a landslide vote. It was so unanimous that it actually wiped out parties, their leaders had to go find other work as the Parties had so few voters the other parties  became defunct in power.   
     Now one has to learn a little about the British Political system. Its different than  ours in the USA.  They do not create a one man power.  
Its more like the party is elected and the parties leader is voted upon in his constituency.  For us it would be our local Representative elected.  Its actually a better system because it isn't a one man show.  

     David Cameron may look like a Movie Star and leads his country like our President leads ours yet he has no EXECUTIVE decision making powers! He has to do what the Parliament says. He answers also to the Queen of England.
And...Yes Queen Elizabeth does still preside over Great Britain.  In all actuality the British Monarchy who are Billionaires and own most of the land in  their Island Nation,still allow the peasants to reside there.  
hey they don't know it SHHHH....
     The Brits carry on about how they don't want to pay for a token monarchy and a lot of similar blither yet they have no idea that if they don't behave the Queen can activate HER MILITARY and drive them all into the sea. 

      I guess that's why we left. Under the shadow of being beheaded or hung.  A fate generously handed down to all those who did not worship in the Church of England (very powerful and corrupt then) drove our Christian forefathers out.  

However, I want to bring up a subject; " doesn't it feel like our current President acts like hes a King?"  Isn't that what we tried to leave behind? My fellow believers can see my point.  As he hoist s the Muslim nations even higher and his ISIS stomping on the flag, killing babies and toddlers, makes me feel like I am living in another world.  Where is Democracy Now?  

     Where is our humanity?Where is that American Spirit that has so long been the foundation of this nation?    As the liberals yell about the deaths of our young people on foreign soils and how we  must not take on the responsibilities of the world. bla, bla,  Let me ask you this, "What would you have us do?"  We are the most powerful, prosperous, wealthy nation on the face of the earth.  We have been led astray by the lies of the current government who is are creating distractions while taking our hard earned dollars and filling their own pockets, as you go off to your job each day. What say you now?  

   I became a British Lover about 5 years ago when I was disappointed by OBama Care.  I thought it was going to be like the Magnificent NHS! But it turned out to be something from the black lagoon, (no pun intended).  
    This last year I was between insurances.  My state decided not to pick up their part of the care initiative.  On my 1040 they asked me if I had insurance, I checked the no box just to see, they wanted to tax me!
 >>> At that moment all of my idealism went into the trash.  All of that slavery and Abraham Lincoln and equality,I had ridden in with along with so many other Americans.... died. 

     Much like bursting a balloon My heart sank when I realized that America was not in for something Amazing and I would not be part of anything more than failure.  
     I tuned into a Parliamentary debate and saw the heated exchanges they sometimes have . All the  bouts almost like boxing matches. ) 
I'm a Hockey fan so this was pretty exciting to see)  They called each other names and hammered home personal opinions.  One older gentleman called,"the father of the house," Impeccably dressed, an orator unsurpassed in eloquence held my attention for many minutes.  
     I was hooked as many others are.    My family has accepted this and also the fact that had I the money I would be on a plane to live in GB and never look back.  I'd be an Expat like so many others my age are.  
     American politics is so disappointing and corrupt its not unlike losing ones Virginity. So overrated.  ~