Saturday, February 22, 2014

 The Tree Frog

Of course another endangered species.  Living in the 21st century on a planet that is mostly water which by the way is mostly depleted of its resources.  Another fact, that we humans are also ignoring is the recent Fukushima spill after the main event,the Earthquake and Tsunami that hit Japan in April 2011.Currently  another 100 tons of radioactive water has been allowed to leak into the ocean,which by the way…is also our ocean.
You see there is a phenomenon called wave action. This wave action is a result of what is called the tides. The tides occur because  this is a moving planet governed by something called gravity. Gravity keeps everything on the earth from floating away into space.  The Gravity is created by the relationship of the Earth to the Moon and the Moons relationship to the Sun. They all interact with each other in space. Of course, it is more complicated than that however, for clarity purposes we will just keep it simple.
This Radioactive pollution of OUR OCEAN has been constant for over 3 years now.   Reports by JAPANS Scientists clearly state they have found serious Radioactive contamination in the land, sea and sky and everything in and around the country. Of course, officially, everything is being denied.
So lets use our common sense,
Water,radioactive water, fish swimming in  the sea, tides moving the water around the world,  = polluted ocean,radioactive sea creatures.  Of course, the industries in Japan and The United States and any commerce related entity,making money  from the oceans will deny any problems.  
No one wants to see the whole fisheries industry collapse and people to lose their way of life, yet lying about it all doesn't make anything better. 
Smart countries are already beginning to ban the imports of seafood from Japan and many people in the United States are not eating seafood from the NW and Alaska anymore. This is a disaster of monumental consequences. Our Governments do not know what to do. Yet, we forget in the free world the government is us, We the people of the United States.This government made up of elected officials are supposed to act in accordance to their constituents desires.  Are we calling them?  Are we instructing our representatives to ban seafood from Japan? Are we asking them to support any initiatives for helping Japan rescue their usable nuclear plant and doomed fishing industry?  Are we calling and asking the Senators in Washington, California and Alaska to stop the fishing and exporting?  
Personally I think it is a warning of things to come.  I hate to say it but didn't Japan have it coming?  The way they are overfishing the oceans, not only harvesting what can be eaten but killing everything else too? 
Once it was suggested that we as civilized nations join together and get them out of there. A possible area on the Earth besides the Arctic Continent is Australia a huge and sparsely populated country.  The innovative peoples of Japan, an island nation where 127 million people live in a 145,000 square mile area.  (Which is an island about the size of the state of Montana.)Could be transported to a new life, away from their destroyed world of radioactivity and polluted food sources and each other. Of course they would have to become farmers and develop their own economy along with the generous help of Australia and the world.  Anything could happen. In a world of possibilities. 
As it stands the Japanese are an endangered species. The likelihood of anything similar to Israel becoming a Jewish State, the migration of Japanese to Australia is minuscule.  However, why not?  At least give them an option. I am an idealist and an adventurer and would be the first person on the boat if I were Japanese. Then again I have no desire to be part of one of the first colonies on Mars.  That seems more complicated than a mass migration of Japanese to Australia. However, the exodus to Mars is going to occur in 2023.
At Christmas this year we had a party.  We shopped for the perfect furniture. I made extravagant food and we entertained our neighbors and friends.  During the party I was speaking to a neighbor about the local wildlife.  She mentioned the little tree frogs. Her words were, "I saw one of those sitting by the light one night and I smashed it with the broom."  The way she spoke was as if the creature was dirty and it was ok and normal for her to destroy it.  My other neighbor and I looked at each other in amazement. I suppose I could not retain my disapproval, and I turned away from her, as if I was speaking to someone who is drunk out of their minds and would not notice my departure anyway.  Killing a tree frog with a broom?  OMG! I have never spoken to her again.   What is that?  Who are those kinds of people? Are they the same ones that honk at you when you are sitting at a red light?  Or degrade their spouses in public?   
I took that picture of the frog last night.He jumped away from me;pillar to post to plant.  He had been clinging to the wall by our lamp eating the swarms of little bugs. While taking his picture I was reminded of my conversation with that person that had killed one of these little guys relatives. 
Why is the human race so intrusive? Why does everything have to be controlled, manipulated, governed,exploited or killed? What of kindness,empathy,concern,geniality? 
WE are all in this together, including the Tree Frogs.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Well, it has happened again!

           The people of the Netherlands have once again proved that they cannot be allowed to have the keys to the car.  Again and again these people of this country cannot stop killing things.  First it is pilot whales, and then dolphins and  they also have been major opponents in the movement to stop murdering the last of this planets whales.  
We are not talking complicated here.  The whole world is saying stop, these creatures are not yours to kill. Even if we cannot educate them on the state of the earth and the most up to date discoveries about these sea creatures they continue to cruelly massacre. 
We have appealed to them as thinking adults and once again they have shown  the world they are not.

I am wondering; is it the sea air that muddles their minds to the point where do not know what they are doing or is it their determination to not understand that the world they are living in is not the world that it used to be.  
I was thinking that perhaps it is because they are a Socialist country and therefore do not really have any individual reasoning going on.  Where there is Socialism there is more of a mass approach everything.  Although, Socialism is a bit more forgiving as to what people are allowed to say unlike communism, where people fear for their lives if they represent themselves.  

Denmark is also a Monarchy, much like Great Britain they have a Queen and a Crown Prince.  Yet, everything is on a much smaller scale. (5.59 million souls as compared to the UK which has 63.23 million populating their islands.) 
On the global level Denmark is on the lowest level of income equality meaning  their coffers are not very full in comparison to the rest of the world.  It's not that they are poor it is just that they do not have a lot to give with a land mass of a mere: 16,639 sq miles, (43,094 sq. Km) give or take a rock.

So what is it?  Arrogance?  Foolishness? Lack of Wisdom? That causes them to behave with such ignorance?  Should we not forgive them as we do our own children? after all I am living in a country that allows the killing of the unborn.  Who am I to throw the first stone?  
Perhaps, it is the fact that they have a state run religion which 79% belong to but only 5% participate in.   In my country we separated the church from the state ( good move! ).   
After the latest event where they butchered a perfect healthy young giraffe. There were even offers to re-home it in the UK.  Conversations occurred about the castration of the soon to be adult male Giraffe.  Yet, this was considered inhumane, What! Killing it isn't inhumane?  
  <<<<<<>>>>Hold on!>>>>>>> 
>>>The clincher, Logic and reasoning at its finest!!! Alert!!!
                 Wait for it…..   There was No program for setting it free in to the wilds of its homeland..
                                         No Program!  

 Its solved! The Danish are Drones who cannot operate outside of their government run lives. Their reasoning was: something to the  effect of "keeping their bloodlines pure"  Which is not just an archaic statement but a stupid one.  Of course the ends justify the means.  Look! see! We understand the circle of life, the meat was not wasted we fed it to the lions!  
God save that Queen! But hey, what do I know I'm just a Dum amerikaner.  I rest my case
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